Social Security Experience Panels: disability benefit names - visual summary

Social Security Experience Panels members' views on renaming disability benefits when they are transferred from UK Department for Work and Pensions to Social Security Scotland.

Other name changes – Decision Makers

We asked respondents their views on other proposed name changes, specifically to Social Security Scotland staff titles.

In DWP, decision makers are the people who look at a benefit application and make a decision whether or not to award a benefit.

We asked respondents what they liked and disliked about the name decision makers.

The most common thing respondents said they liked about the name decision makers was that it is clear, unambiguous and descriptive.

Some respondents said the name accurately describes their role and sets them apart from other staff.

  • “It is plain English. It is clear and precise. It describes the job exactly.”
  • “Gives a better idea of who is responsible for a result.”
  • “If they are the people deciding on claims then they are decision makers. It sets them aside from the admin staff.”

The most common thing respondents said they disliked about the name decision makers was that it felt ‘authoritarian’, ‘impersonal’ and ‘judgmental’.

Many respondents said the name suggests an imbalance of power, where the client has little control.

Respondents also said the name suggests that the decision made by decision makers is final and there is no room for compromise.

Some respondents said that the name brought up memories of negative experiences and interactions with decision makers.

  • “Not very user friendly. Sounds like there’s no room for movement, negotiation, compromise.”
  • “It sounds like you have no control.”
  • “As a title it’s not the kindest, it suggests to the applicant that it requires the relinquishing of all control to the “decision makers” and that the applicants input is not important. It also suggests that they cannot be reasoned with.”
  • “It sounds cold and unapproachable.”
  • “Connotation that this one person has your whole life in their power.”



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