Social Security Experience Panels: Carer's Allowance Supplement - letters

This report outlines experiences of Carer’s Allowance and views relating to the introduction of Carer’s Allowance Supplement.

Annex B: Letter sent to Carers Allowance Supplement participants

This is a copy of the letter send to Carers Allowance Supplement recipients in September 2018. Future letters will also be updated in response to subsequent feedback.

Your reference: PC123456E

Mr Ian Tscas030
5 Casefive Ave
Casefive Town
AB12 3WD

Carer's Allowance Supplement
PO Box 10302

Freephone: 0800 182 2222

Dear Ian Tscas030

You will get a new payment called Carer's Allowance Supplement.

This is an extra payment from the Scottish Government for the important work you do as a carer.

This payment will not affect your other benefits. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will pay your Carer's Allowance as normal.

What to do
You do not have to do anything. You'll get the payment in the same way you get Carer's Allowance (bank account, credit union account or vouchers).

You do not need to tell the DWP or your council about this payment.

You should tell HM Revenue & Customs about this payment in case you have to pay tax. You will not pay tax if your taxable income is under the standard Personal Allowance rate of £11,850 a year.

Your payment

Eligibility Date Amount Date Paid
16 April 2018 £221.00 17 August 2018

You should have the payment in the next two weeks. Call us on 0800 182 2222 if you do not have it after two weeks.

Look for this reference on your bank statement (if you usually get Carer's Allowance paid into your bank account):


You're getting this payment because you were getting Carer's Allowance and living in Scotland on the eligibility date.

Dignity, fairness, respect.

We'll pay Carer's Allowance Supplement two times a year. We'll write to you again if you're due another payment.

Your data
Social Security Scotland uses your data to make this payment.

Contact us or go to to find out:

  • how we get your data
  • how we'll use it
  • who will see it
  • how long we'll keep it
  • your rights

Contact us
You can write to us or call 0800 182 2222 to:

  • ask about your payment
  • tell us if you do not think you should have this payment
  • find out more about Carer's Allowance Supplement
  • find out about other support you may be able to get

Contact the DWP if you have any questions about your Carer's Allowance.

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  • easy read



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