Public attitudes to Coronavirus: January update

This report includes some high level findings from recent polling work on public attitudes to the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.

Annex B: Key events during data collection

This table below summarises of key events taking place in November and December related to Coronavirus in Scotland. It is not exhaustive, however, gives some context to events surrounding data collection. Fieldwork dates should be borne in mind when interpreting the data.

2 November - Covid protection levels system comes into effect.

5 November - England begins month long lockdown.

10 November - FM announces changes to levels coming into effect on 13 Nov. News of first effective vaccine, Pfizer and BioNTech broke.

17 November - FM announces changes to levels, coming into effect on 20 Nov, with some Levels entering Level 4 and ban on non-essential travel in/out of Levels 3 and 4; news about Moderna vaccine breaks.

24 November - FM announces small changes to levels, news of Oxford University vaccine; Level 1 now able to meet 8 persons/3 households outdoors.

26 November - Guidance about festive period published.

2 December - Announcement of Pfizer vaccine approval and for vaccination to begin on 8 December; no change to Levels.

8 December - First vaccinations take place. FM announces changes to levels, becoming effective on 11 December - including all Level 4 areas going down to Level 3.

15 December - New strain of Coronavirus in the media. FM announces re-assignment of 3 Local Authorities to Level 3.

19 December - FM announces from 26 December, all areas apart from some islands will enter Level 4; cases continue to rise.

25 December - Restrictions relaxed, allowing bubbles of up to 8 people from 3 households to share Christmas Day.

26 December - Level 4 restrictions in place in all areas apart from some islands from 26 December.



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