Extended Distress Brief Intervention Programme: evaluation

This evaluation covers the period from May to December 2020 and focuses on the extended DBI programme. It provides insight into the effectiveness of the DBI service during a global pandemic.


1. In this report, telehealth refers to the delivery of health related services via the telephone or the Internet (e.g. using smartphones, computers or other electronic devices).

2. The Mental Health Hub at NHS24 brings together Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, Mental Health Nurses and Mental Health Senior Charge Nurses who work to support people who require urgent mental health support.

3. See Timeline of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland

4. Using per 100,000 of population is a common way of demonstrating the prevalence of a condition or in this case the intervention, especially when comparing prevalence rates across different localities that have varying sizes in populations. Population estimates taken from Population estimates for all 14 health board in Scotland from 1981 to 2020.


Email: socialresearch@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

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