Coronavirus Acts: second report to Scottish Parliament (August 2020)

Second two-monthly report to Scottish Parliament on the use of the powers contained within the Coronavirus Act 2020, Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 and Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Act 2020 covering the reporting period up to 31 July 2020.

4. UK Government reporting and engagement

4.1. The UK Government published its first two-monthly report[12] on the status of the non-devolved provisions of the UK Act on 29 May 2020 and its second two-monthly report was published on 31 July 2020[13].

4.2. We are continuing to engage and work with the UK Government and other Devolved Administrations on the implementation and operation of the UK Act and to help ensure respective reporting arrangements operate successfully and appropriately alongside each other, to support robust and effective scrutiny of the legislation.



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