Scottish Health Survey 2013 - volume 2: technical report

Presents information on the methodology and fieldwork for the Scottish Health Survey 2013.


Respondent Information Leaflet
Advance Letters
Language translations card
Information Leaflet for Adults (Version A sample – no biological module)
Information Leaflet for Adults (Version B sample – eligible for biological module)
Information Leaflet for Children (Version A and B and Child Boost)
Information Leaflet for Parents (Child Boost only)
Useful Contact Leaflet
Measurement Record Card
Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires
Show cards
Self-completion booklet for parents of 4-12 year olds
Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds
Self-completion booklet for young adults
Self-completion booklet for adults
Biological module consent booklet
NHS record linkage consent forms for adults and children
SG Follow-up consent forms for adults and children

Respondent Information Leaflet

Respondent Information Leaflet

Advance Letters

Advance Letters

Advance Letters

Advance Letters

Advance Letters

Advance Letters

Language translations card

Language translations card

Information Leaflet for Adults (Version A sample – no biological module)

Information Leaflet for Adults (Version A sample – no biological module)

Information Leaflet for Adults (Version B sample – eligible for biological module)

Information Leaflet for Adults (Version B sample – eligible for biological module)

Information Leaflet for Children (Version A and B and Child Boost)

Information Leaflet for Parents (Child Boost only)

Information Leaflet for Parents (Child Boost only)

Information Leaflet for Parents (Child Boost only)

Useful Contact Leaflet

Useful Contact Leaflet

Measurement Record Card

Measurement Record Card

Scottish Health Survey 2013

Questionnaire documentation

Section contains:
Notes on how to use this documentation
Survey outline
Household interview
Individual interview

1. This is an edited documentation of the computer programmes used in the SHeS
household and individual interviews. Instead of being numbered each question has a
variable name; these are identified here in square brackets, e.g.: [varname].
2. Not all variables that appear here will be on the final data file (those that are not are
marked with a '*'). Similarly, not all derived variables that will be on the data file are
mentioned here. There will be a separate documentation of derived variables when
the data is released.
3. Routing instructions appear above the questions. A routing instruction should be
considered to stay in force until the next routing instruction.
4. Sections of text in brackets and italics were filled in as appropriate on the
interviewers' computers.
5. Individual codes marked 'EDIT ONLY' were used by the editors to reclassify 'other'
answers and are not visible during the main interviews.
6. For some questions respondents could give a different answer to the main options
they were presented with. Such answers are recorded verbatim and were examined
during the editing process to see whether they could be 'back-coded' to one of the
existing answer categories. These will not be available on the data file and have
been indicated within this documentation with a '*'.
7. Some questions allowed respondents to give more than one answer (indicated within
this documentation with the instruction: 'CODE ALL THAT APPLY'). In these cases
each individual answer option will have its own variable name which is shown in
square brackets to the right of the answer.
8. The symbol '$' has been used to flag CAPI questions which have been used in
conjunction with Self-Complete questions to combine the answers into a separate
derived variable.

Important note for data users: You are advised to use the documentation
accompanying the final dataset released by the UK Data Archive as there may
be updates or corrections to the documentation between the publication of
the annual report and the release of the final dataset.

Scottish Health Survey 2013 - Survey outline

  • A household interview with the household reference person (HRP) or their spouse or
  • An individual interview with eligible participants. Eligibility criteria for each of the
    three sample types were as follows:
    • Main sample -up to ten adults and two children per household
    • Child boost sample - up to two children (0-15) per household
    • Health Board boost sample - up to ten adults per household

Questionnaire content

Household questionnaire

There was only one version of the household questionnaire across all three sample types
in 2013. The household questionnaire documentation begins on page 7 of this

Individual questionnaire

The questionnaire content varied depending firstly on the sample type, and then the age
of the participants being interviewed. The questionnaire documentation details exactly
who was eligible to answer particular modules and questions within these modules.

  • Main sample - there were two versions of the individual interview questionnaire for the
    main sample: version A and version B. The content and order of the individual
    interview differed depending on which version a household was selected to go
    through. Some topics were asked in both versions of the questionnaire, e.g. 'general
    health including caring' and 'eating habits for children' while other topics are only
    asked in one of the versions, e.g. 'accidents' in version A. The table on the following
    page outlines which topics are asked in which version of the questionnaire.
  • Child Boost sample - The individual questionnaire at child boost households followed
    the same format as a main version A individual questionnaire (see table on following
  • Health Board Boost sample - Adults in the Health Board boost sample were only
    asked questions on those topics that appeared in both version A and version B of the
    individual interview, for example, general health, and physical activity.

Points to note:

  • There are four versions of the questionnaire in the mainstage: Core Version A; Core
    Version B (biological module); Child Boost; and Health Board Boost.
  • Children are not eligible for the biological module in Core Version B or at Health Board
    Boost sampled addresses.
  • The below table indicates what should be in each version and the order of the interview.
    The associated CAPI block names are in [] after the topic.
Core Version A Both AandB Core Version B
Household questionnaire
General health including caring
General CVD (16+) and use of
services [CVD] 0+
Asthma core [Asthma] 0+
Accidents 0+
Physical activity adults - including Qs
on activity at work, time spent at
screens and other sedentary activity
[AdPhysic] 16+
Physical activity kids - inc Qs on time
spent at screens and other sedentary
activity [ChPhysic] 2+
Barriers to exercise
and Motivations to
exercise [AdPhysic]
Eating habits kids [Eating] 2 - 15
Fruit and Veg [Fruitveg] 2+
Smoking [Smoking] 18+ (16-17 year
olds do self-comp/18-19 yr olds
Passive Smoking [Smoking] 0+
Drinking [Drinking] 18+ (16-17 year
olds do self-comp/18-19 yr olds
Dental health [Dental] 16+
Dental services
Social capital (16+)
Discrimination and
harassment (16+)
Economic activity (16+)
Stress at work (16+)
Education (16+)
Ethnicity (0+) place of birth (0+)and
religion (16+) [Ethnic]
Family health [Parent] 16+
Self-completions [Selfcomp] 4+
Height and weight [Measure] 2+
Consents [Consents] 0+

Biological module
(16+ )includes:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Blood Pressure
  • Waist
  • Saliva
  • Urine
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self harm


Child Boost

Household questionnaire [HHgrid]+[GenHHold]

General health including caring [GenHlth]

Use of services [CVD] 0+

Asthma core [Asthma] 0+

Asthma additional [asthma] 0+

Physical activity kids – inc Qs on time spent at screens and other sedentary activity [ChPhysic] 2+

Eating habits kids [Eating] 2+

Fruit and Veg [Fruitveg] 2+

Passive Smoking [Smoking] 0+

Ethnicity [Ethnic] 0+

Self-completions [Selfcomp] 4+

Height and weight [Measure] 2+

Consents [Consents] 0+


Health Board Boost

Household questionnaire [HHgrid]+[GenHHold]

General health including caring [GenHlth]

General CVD and use of services [CVD] 16+

Asthma core [Asthma] 16

Physical activity adults - including Qs on activity at work, time spent at screens and other sedentary activity [AdPhysic] 16+

Fruit and Veg [Fruitveg] 16+

Smoking [Smoking] 16+ 18/20+ in CAPI

Passive Smoking [Smoking] 16+

Drinking [Drinking] 16+ 18/20+ in CAPI

Dental health [Dental] 16+

Ethnicity and religion [Ethnic] 0+

Family health [Parent] 16+

Self-completions [Selfcomp] 16+

Height and weight [Measure] 16+

Consents [Consents] 16+

* = not on the datafile

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

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Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

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Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

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Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

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Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

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Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Household questionnaire, individual and biological module questionnaires

Show cards

Show cards

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Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

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Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

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Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

Show cards

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Show cards

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Show cards

Self-completion booklet for parents of 4-12 year olds

Self-completion booklet for parents of 4-12 year olds

Self-completion booklet for parents of 4-12 year olds

Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds

Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds

Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds

Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds

Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds

Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds

Self-completion booklet for 13-15 year olds

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for young adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Self-completion booklet for adults

Biological module consent booklet

Biological module consent booklet

Biological module consent booklet

Biological module consent booklet

Biological module consent booklet

Biological module consent booklet

Biological module consent booklet

Biological module consent booklet

NHS record linkage consent forms for adults and children

NHS record linkage consent forms for adults and children

SG Follow-up consent forms for adults and children

SG Follow-up consent forms for adults and children


Email: Julie Landsberg

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